Monday, May 25, 2009

Three of the best.

My top 3 favourite episodes of Lost ever:

3. Season 3, Episode 1: A Tale of Two Cities.
Such a good episode, not as much for it's advancement of the plot, but for complete all-round effect. The acting from all involved was top class, especially the Ben - Kate breakfast scene. The music was heart wrenching and the scenery was absolutely stunning. The opening 5 minutes were some of the best the show has ever produced.

"Something nice to hold on to"

2. Season 4, Episode 11: Cabin Fever.
Very close, in my opinion, to being the best hour of Lost ever made. It has the perfect mix of telling flashbacks, great on-island action, a bucketload of fantastic acting and plenty of Keamy just killing stuff.

"You can't be the quaterback"

1. Season 2, Episode 23: Live Together, Die Alone.
This episode is not only thrilling but I hold it close to my heart, and is just typical Lost. What can I say really? I just adore Desmond, I love the on-island hatch flashbacks, and the cliffhanger...the final scene where the guys in the ice station contact Penny Widmore, you just can't put into words how brilliant it was!

"Miss Widmore, I think we've found it!"

So there you have it, my top 3 all time favourite episodes of Lost. 

Episodes that didn't quite make the cut: S1E04: Walkabout, S1E23: Exodus, S3E20: The Man Behind the Curtain, S3E22: Through the Looking Glass, S4E09: The Shape of Things to Come.

(All images courtesy


  1. i've watched your favourite episode, too!
    you're right, it really is brilliant!

  2. Damn straight! If I could physically kiss that episode I would.
