Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Heavens Open

A huge frontal system moved over Perth last night. Subsequently the weather here has been appalling. It's the worst I've seen it in four years. The heavens absolutely opened up at around midday today, and it's been incredibly cold and windy ever since. 12 mm of rain has fallen in the last 24 hours, the dam capacity in Perth has doubled in that time. That kind of gives you an idea how much rain we have had this year; not much!

I guess we needed this rain, we always need rain here in sunny Perth. Unfortunately, this weather just makes me feel like curling up in bed and drifting off to sleep. But alas, I have an algology lab report to write.


  1. i can't wait for wednesday when the stormy weather passes!

  2. we need the rain! only 30% of the dam is full
