Monday, May 4, 2009

The 21st Most Livable City in the World

Perth. Yes, you read correctly...the boring, quiet, non-trendy, slow, living in the past, small airported, no starbucksed, worst footy grounded, small theme parked, most beautiful city you may ever come across. 

The people that live here say it's 'crap'. They want to go and live in Melbourne or Sydney where the people wear scarfs and go to all the trendy cafes. Nothing interesting ever happens in Perth. 

But just for a moment, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a tourist coming from a cold foreign place. You look out the window of your Boeing 747. The warmth of the bright sun tinkers on the engines and the silver wing tip. The cloudless sky opens out into a blue infinity. On your right you see the vast Indian Ocean, stretching as far as the eye can see. On your left, another sea, this time of emerald green and red and brown, great expanses of forest and bush and desert. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Perth.

You take a walk by the river in South Perth. The unmistakable smell of sausages on a barbecue and the chinking of ice cold stubbies fill the air. The sights and smells and sounds of the great Australian culture fill the air. People of all different cultures sit around an esky listening eagerly to ABC radio the hear the footy score. Children run and laugh and play with the parents watching from a distance. A guy walks past and says "G'day!". It's something that just wouldn't happen back home.

Or maybe you head for the beach. It's been over 30 degrees for 4 days in a row. Isn't it supposed to be Autumn? You walk along the warm white sand that seems to stretch for eternity and beyond. Beautiful bronzed human beings of all shapes and sizes laze around without a care in the world. The water is an explosion of deep blues and greens and greys. You dive in. It's cooling, but not cold. You forget about the blazing hot sun, and lose track of time. You spend hours upon hours in the water, but it only felt like a few minutes. You lie on the sand, and drift slowly off to sleep...

Wake up! 

It was nice wasn't it? Perth might not be so bad after all huh? So next time you are driving through Freo or heading out to the Hills, or eating out in Leederville, just sit back and have a look around you. Appreciate the sights and the smells and the sounds. Because, afterall, of all the tens of thousands cities in the world, you live in the 21st best!

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