Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oranges and Lemons

Ever had one of those days were you just feel upset, for no apparent reason? Today was one of those days for me. It sucks, doesn't it?

I don't really like writing blogs about how I feel, and that describe my day, but today...I don't know, I'm just going to.

Those of you that have read my blog previously would know, I'm
really not a big fan at getting up at six in the morning, just to be at uni by eight. At that time of morning, the world is beautiful, and the world just feels so clean, but this morning was the first time in a while that I just didn't want to be awake.

As I sat on the bus I found it hard to concentrate on my book, Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. It's a hard book to comprehend anyway, even without so much going on in my head. I can't imagine how hard it would be living in a society like the one in the book. If I were Winston, I would have been vaporised a long time ago. But, Winston battles through the tough times by hanging onto the little things; the diary, the glass paperweight, the rhyme. That's what I would need to do today.

Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St. Clement's,
You owe me five farthings, say the bells of St. Martin's.

I met Brooke on the bus, as I usually do. She always manages to cheer me up a little bit. She said she'd been up since 3am studying for the Algology test we had later that day, yet she was happy as ever. I'd gotten three more hours sleep than her, I didn't really feel I deserved to be feeling that groggy after the night she must have had.

After having a nice chat with Brooke, and meeting the rest of my friends for our usual 8am date with the Sneese (our lecturer is called Ms. Sneesby, how great is that?), I was feeling a lot better. I even got 79% in my Quantitative Biology test, along with my good friend Alex. But as soon as the euphoria of that wore off, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I was back to feeling miserable again.

Brian, our Invertebrate Animals guy, gave us the stupidest lecture today. I had no idea what was going on, so I'm not going to bother trying to explain it (it involved something to do with Fintan, Mel, and 'Homo Stupidous'). Then he tried to convince everyone I came from Indonesia, just because I told him that my father is part Dutch.

'Art' I did in invertebrates.

Not even did an injection of Nicola, Brammo and various hilarious youtube videos (sneaking cat included!) could make me feel any happier, and those things always make me feel happier!

The highlight of my day was probably the Algology lecture. After we had gotten the test over and done with, it was really nice just to relax and spend some time with some quality people. Guys like Kenny, Fintan, Synge, Ant, Alex, Mel, Lina, Dan, Georgia and Simon are always great to be around. Jacob, our lecturer, was also in a happy mood!

Have a Rhodoriffic day!

Unfortunately, Georgia seemed to be a bit upset after the lecture, which reminded me of the somber mood I was supposed to be in. Speaking of which, I guess I was in one of Georgia's tired moods (just not as crazy, and actually tired. Nothing against you George, love you!). On the way home, I almost fell asleep multiple times reading my perplexing book. It was a long ride home.

I guess this story doesn't really have a point, except that sometimes, no matter how much fun you should be having, no matter how many friends you have to make you smile, no matter how brave a face, or how fake a smile you put on, sometimes, you just can't change the way you feel inside. Oh well, at least Australia's Next Top Model was awesome tonight!

1 comment:

  1. we all have those days.
    now it's MY turn to be sad!
    i hope tomorrow turns out to be a better day for you, my friend.
    i lol at homo stupidous :)
