Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No pain, no Nandos

Dear Reader,

It's only been 7 days since we started. It feels like we've been doing this for months. Everywhere I look I see beautiful women. They follow me through every dark alley and around every corner. I'm not sure if my mind is playing tricks on me or not, but the other day I started thinking about one of my lecturers in a way of which I had never thought of her before. This is hard.

They say everything gets tougher before it gets easier.

The first few days it was fine. I was coping. The sun was shining and I could feel it's warmth on my skin. I was cheery, and chatty. Life was good.

Then the pains started. 

Two nights ago to be precise. Since then I've felt like a balloon that has been filled with too much air, ready to pop at any moment. And I feel cold, very cold. The world is grey and icy, the wind bites and gnashes at my very soul. The earth seems like a darker place now. I'm angry and frustrated all the time. I'm bottling it up inside me, afraid one day I might crack and take all my frustration out on an innocent bystander. I'm frightened. I'm sick.

The other day Georgia said she would give us $40 if we went through with it for another week. Syngeon and I said we would go to Nandos to celebrate the gargantuan feat. But that's still another week away. Another 7 long, hellish days. Another 7 days of anger and cold. This better be worth it.