Monday, August 10, 2009

The selfishness of sportsmen and women.

Today, Luke Pomerbach (West Australian and Australian Cricketer) has been charged by Police for drink driving and being involved in a hit and run incident in City Beach last night. He has subsequently been dumped by the Western Australian Cricket Association for his actions. 

There are plenty of young boys and girls out there, including myself, who would give almost anything to play cricket for Australia. And so the selfishness of the likes of Pomersbach, an elite sportsman, to go out and do something like that completely and utterly infuriates me.

In my opinion, Luke Pomersbach is one of the luckiest 15-20 people in WA, as he gets to represent his state at the top level playing cricket. I, just like hundreds of other boys and girls around the state, would absolutely love to be in his place, and be able to play even just one game for Western Australia. Pomersbach obviously doesn't get the fact that he is a role model to many young children, and so why he would be so utterly stupid to continually go out and wreck his career really alludes me.

One word screams at me when thinking about the previously discussed: selfish. Why play for WA if you are not going to take playing cricket seriously? And why put yourself in a position, if you are not going to take your sport seriously, to prevent other young players from coming into the side who actually want to, and would give up the world to be in your place ? Selfish. 

Pomersbach is not the only sportsman or women to be selfish about their position though. Andrew Symonds, Australian Cricketer springs to mind. He continually broke the team rules and hence was axed for drinking, not once, not twice, but three times. Selfish. 

Another one is Adam Gilchrist. No, the old WA favourite, Gilly did not stupidly break the simple team rules or involve himself in anything like that. But, as I read in his autobiography True Colours, Gilchrist, on multiple occasions throughout his career, cried himself to sleep because, when the game got tough, he hated playing cricket for Australia. Sorry, Gilly, but no sympathy here from me mate. If you are going to stop enjoying cricket and let the game get to you like that, then move over and let someone who would really appreciate it have a go. 

There are, and have been, too many law breaking, drug taking or just down right selfish sports men or women throughout history to name. It's too late for most them anyway. But to all future sporting stars, playing any sport at the top level, this is my message to you: No matter what happens, no matter how tough life gets or how much pressure there is on you to perform, no matter how much you get paid or how far away from home you must be, please make sure you enjoy every single minute you of it, because remember, there are millions, if not billions of people on this planet who would give anything, anything, to be in your position. 


  1. agreed :) well, not about playing cricket for WA, but you get my drift.

  2. lol pretty sure you do Angela, pretty sure you do...
