Monday, August 17, 2009

Lost Wallets, Pretty Bus Drivers and Cloning?

About 5 years ago, I wrote a feature article for english about cloning. I thought it was fascinating, creating exact same copies of a living thing without needing both a mother and father being sexually involved. Little did I know, that 5 years later I would actually be cloning for myself. 

Ok, so I wasn't exactly extracting an egg from a female sheep, and taking DNA from a second sheep and putting that DNA into the gamete of the first sheep, then putting the now fertile egg back into the female sheep and hey presto! A clone is created. I was however, cloning plasmid DNA using E. coli cultures!

Well, at least I think I was... unfortunately, you can't actually see Cloning happening in a test tube...

Today's cloning coincidence was not the only queer thing to happen to me today. First of all, I had left my wallet at my father's house, so with no concession card, I had to pay full fare for the bus. Four bloody dollars fifty, just to get to uni. 

Secondly, the bus driver that took me from the train station to uni was, to my utter surprise, extremely pretty. In fact, she was absolutely gorgeous. She was young, and blonde, and it made me sad... a pretty girl like her driving busses around all day. Oh well, if that's makes her happy, then I'm happy too!

Unfortunately after uni I had to go all the way out to the 'burbs, or as we sometimes say, "whoop whoop", to pick up my wallet from my dad's. As if that wasn't bad enough, on the way back from Bibra Lake, I just happened to get on the "school special". This was the bus that went to Winthrop Baptist College to take the school children home. As usual, the bloody teenagers were rowdy and annoying, and the girl that sat next to me conveniently used me as a chair. 

What are you gunna do?


  1. used you as a chair, meaning she sat on you?!
    tsk. teenagers these days!

  2. Pretty much, she was leaning on me with all her body weight lol
