Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy 100th Lost!

Here's a nice passage to help celebrate, if not somewhat belated, the 100th episode of Lost, the most influential show in recent television history.

"There aren't many TV shows that manage to hit - and pass - the 100-episode mark, but then again, there aren't any TV shows like Lost. Beyond the story, the characters, and the various time-slots it occupies all over the world, Lost has fast become a word that once said, invokes lively, enthusiastic, and territorial debate, but most of all - it simply gets a reaction. It doesn't matter whether you're a passionate fan, a casual viewer or just someone who never really got into the show - you're bound to have an opinion. And that's one of the greatest things about Lost - it's power to strike some kind of chord with everyone" - Official Lost Magazine 

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