Thursday, May 27, 2010

Looking Back on Lost

I absolutely loved the ending to Lost. It was beautiful, emotional, and I couldn't have asked for it to end in a better way.

Let me start off by saying that there has (disappointingly) been a lot of discontentment shown by many of the show's fans towards the ending. I guess they all wanted answers, and a succinct ending; which is of course the last thing the writers gave them, and rightly so.

Lost ended in a way that left a lot to your own imagination. It never gave definitive answers about the main mysteries of the show, for example: what the smoke monster was, what the light in the island meant, who built the four-toed statue, etc. It also left you to make up your own mind as to the fate of many of the main characters, like Hurley and Ben, who stay on the island as guardians, or Sawyer, Kate and Richard, who are last seen flying away from the island on Ajira flight 316 to an unknown destiny. Ultimately, and in true Lost fashion, the end left the audience with more questions then it gave answers. And I think that is one of the truly wonderful things about the finale (and Lost in general), that you are left wondering, enabling your imagination to run wild. It wouldn't have done the show justice, nor would it have been half as fun if the writers just packed the final 2 and a half hours of the show with answers. It's just not Lost.

They say that the most important part of a story is not how it ends, but how you get there. Lost was never about beginnings, or endings. It was always about the journey. The final scenes of the show summed this point up beautifully. In the end, everybody dies. It is the one single fate that all people suffer. It is the journey that is different - how you get to the end, that makes your life so distinct from anyone else's. Your journey - all the beautiful things you see, all the emotions that you feel, and most importantly, all the people you love - is what makes your life so special.

Lost was more than just a TV show. I know I hark on about it all the time, but now seeing the way it ended, I think can actually say that with a bit of fulfillment. I can understand why there is a certain amount of dissatisfaction among some of the more closed-minded fans towards the ending, those who only watched Lost for pure entertainment or face values. However to me, and all other fans who love the show for more than just what's on the surface, the ending was just about perfect. It doesn't mean to say that all of us fans agree on what the ending meant, and just like Jack and Kate, soon we'll all be laughing about that one final thing we couldn't agree on. Lost was a true epic, a modern day classic, and storytelling at its finest. The world wont soon forget...


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