Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Just like Frodo and Sam in The Lord of the Rings, or Richard Winters and Easy Company in Holland, 1945, I feel I have reached a significant point in my journey. I'm at the crossroads. From here, my life could go in any direction, North, South, East or West. Towards the sunrise, towards the sunset, towards the ocean, or back the way I came.

The problem is, really confused about which direction I need to take. Whichever road I choose means I gain something significant, and sacrifice some things I love. So I stand in the middle of the crossroads, and I turn, and I turn again. I look right, I look left, take a step in one direction, and pull my foot back hesitantly. And after all this, I am back where I started, still standing in the middle of my crossroads.

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