Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our Mutual Friend

As I write this, there are 16 minutes to go until the final episode of Lost airs. For 6 years I have been following this show religiously. I have watched every season, every episode, every audio commentary, every deleted scene. Every wonderful minute. And I never want it to end!

In the show, Desmond, one of the favourite characters, finds himself in a similar boat (no pun intended Lost fans!). Des claims to have read every one of Charles Dickens' books, "every wonderful word", except for one - Our Mutual Friend. He's saving it, so it will be the last thing he ever reads, before he dies.

And this kind of got me thinking, maybe I shouldn't watch the final tonight? Maybe, I should go to bed early and miss it on purpose. Maybe, I should go ahead living my life, as if Lost never ended. I would go out and buy the season 6 dvds when they come out, and I would go on watching the episodes as I normally do. Except for the very last episode. I would save it, so it will be the last thing I ever see, before I die.

But doing that means I become like Desmond. Doing it means I become coward. I'm scared, scared of moving forward, scared of living a life without Lost in it. I have to watch it. I have to move on with my life. I have to laugh and cry and celebrate what has been one of the biggest parts of my life for the best part of 6 years, and then let go. That's why they call it a leap of faith...

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