Thursday, May 31, 2012


When I stepped outside this morning, I knew something was different. Besides a single pillar of rainbow shooting up into the heavens, the world was bathed in a shade of yellow, like a series of sepia images moving before my eyes. The air was uncannily warm and the wind was heavy with the smell significance; of change.

Had I woken up into a new life? Was I the same as I was the day before? As Alice once pondered: Had I changed in the night? No. That was too simple. It was not I who changed; it was the world around me that had.

And still all was yellow. The colour of sunshine, of joy, but also of decay, and cowardice. I did not know whether I felt a sense of foreboding, or happiness. It was definitely the latter.

I never understood what the Coldplay song was about until now.

Congratulations to my beautiful mother on her engagement. She deserves everything. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, congrats, congrats to your mum!
