Sunday, July 3, 2011

Because You Left

You know, it's amazing what can happen in a year. It's amazing how significantly things can change. At this time last year, almost a year to the day, I had reached what was probably the lowest point in my life. I still remember, vividly, what it felt like; how much it hurt, and how caught up in it I was. I still remember crying...

It was around that time when I posted "Life's Bluff". July 25th, 2010. The post was a huge emotional spiel indicative of how I was feeling at the time. In it, I said that if I could go back in time to that moment, which I thought was the point in time when everything in my life, everything I had worked so hard for, was taken away from me, that I would change it. I would've told my past-self to act differently...

But you know, the funny thing is, looking back on it now, I would most definitely not go back in time and change what happened that night. You see, the universe has a funny way of "course correcting"... Often, in the moments when you feel the most hurt, when you feel like you've been betrayed, and heartbroken, and shoved off track, you've actually been given a slight nudge into the right direction for the future. Obviously you wont see it at that moment, but in time you'll realise that it was meant to be that way, all along.

I could've named this post many things, like "Course Correction" or "The Right Direction" or "A Year On". But I decided to name it "Because You Left". Because, on that cold night in June of last year, when you left with him out that door, you pushed me into my future. I just didn't know it yet.

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