Friday, April 29, 2011

The Window

I'm looking through the window, across the place where I call home,
Into a world where life is free of way, but I am so alone,
As one door shuts, a window opens, I see that clearly now,
Yet the path beyond is hazed with grey, I'm afraid make the vow.

I watch the doves, they dance along, the lorikeets above me sing,
The winds through leaves they comfort me, like bells they sound and ring,
The sun it warms my bones and skin, the doves below take flight,
I tilt my head towards the gods, yet cannot see the light.

Am I brave enough to make the leap, and hit the ground below?
Or will I feign and turn away, toward the cold and desolate snow?
Will the life be kind and take me in, it's grasp and on it's ride?
Or will my heart collapse inside, and I take flight and hide?

Still I stand by the window, my head rests on it's sill,
And beyond the real world beckons, it presses my stubbornly will,
The day will come where I must choose my path, forth or turn and run?
Where will I be when I meet my maker, in the land of kingdom come?

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