Sunday, April 17, 2011


The popular sisters, the well dressed scene kid. One with incredible smarts and talent, and another a brewer with the model girlfriend. One joined the army, and of course there was always the better-looking, proactive, and smarter sister. I never quite felt like I really belonged. I could never seem to find common ground, and I could never seem to interest any of them with my affair.

But as life wears on and the rush of time begins to weather you away, through the crevices you start to learn a thing or two about yourself. You learn to gain trust in you, and in what you believe in. The rest comes naturally.

As soon as I found comfort in myself, I found comfort in my family. I am proud of what I have achieved in my life, and I think, finally, I see they are proud of me too. The look on my grandmother's face as she told me I am the first of my generation to graduate from uni, is a look I'll cherish forever. The memory of Ash and I bursting into laughter as we sung "Like a G6" over Christmas dinner is something I will be hard pressed to let go of.

I think I'll always be the outsider, the one that just doesn't have quite as much in common compared to the others. The piece of the puzzle, forced into place where I don't quite fit. But the picture on a whole remains the same, and as long as they're happy to have me, I wouldn't trade them for any other.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that your friends, too, are very proud of you, Chriso. :)
