Thursday, June 25, 2009

Not all who wander...

"I'm not lost anymore"
"How did you do that?"
"The same thing anything lost, ever gets found -- I stopped looking" - John Locke

It is a strange thing, life. We never ask for the life that is given, but it is given none the less, and with it, we can only do our best. Yet life itself is more baffling than any complex trigonometry equation, or how the birds can sing so cheerfully on a cold winters morning, or even the English language.

Why is it that, when we have everything going for us in life, we feel discontented? And why, when seemingly all is against us, do we feel the happiest we've ever been? 

We always end up asking ourselves the impossible to answer: Why do we always close our eyes when we sneeze? What else is out there? Were will I go when death takes me? Who in the world am I? 

Sometimes you just have to let go, and just let life be. Let the current take you to where it intends you to go. Just take a deep breath, sit back, and see where you end up. Sometimes, the harder you try, the worse it gets. Not all who wander are lost. 

For my dear friend Syngeon, may he find whatever he is looking for at the bottom of his glass.


  1. god bless you chris, very wise words, but if you are always looking can you ever be found? and what if you are content with being discontent?

  2. beautiful writing :)

  3. If you're content with being discontent then you're an emo. Of course it's always important to look but sometimes if it's not working or you're stressing out about not finding what you are looking for, then it's better to stop looking and calm the f**k down :)
