Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jacob > Jacob

Ok, so I know what all you Twilight fanatics are thinking: Jacob is soooo hot, and he is so great, and kind. When I grow up, I'm going to marry Jacob. 

Yeah, well good luck with that...

But what if I told you, that your Jacob wasn't that great after all? What if I told you, that there is actually a better Jacob? Impossible, right?



This man, is also called Jacob. But he is not just any old Jacob who can shape-shift or whatever, he is the Jacob.

You should already be convinced that this Jacob is better than the Twilight Jacob. But if you are not already convinced, let me show you...

What can your Jacob do, Twilight fans? Share a telepathic connection with other wolves in his pack? Imprint on another person giving a stronger feeling than love? Have a constant body temperature of 108 degrees? Wow, congratulations to you. This Jacob, represents the light. He is over 200 years old. He has the power to make a person not age, to survive blows that would normally kill any mortal man, and give a crippled man the ability to walk again. He also knows how to create tapestries. This man is not someone you go and see, this is a man who summons you.

So do you really think your Jacob is really that great? I didn't think so. So from now on, whenever you  are reading your precious Twilight books, or sitting in the cinema watching the New Moon movie, and your heart melts for Jacob, just remember; is he really the Jacob you want to be with?


  1. four letters. LOL. :D

  2. wow, you have opened my eyes Chris

  3. that jacob is better than ALL jacobs

  4. I know you wanted to marry the other Jacob Cidny...before you read this that is.

    Yes, this Jacob is the best Jacob in the history of mankind.

  5. sorry no, REAL jacob is a werewolf, that olone makes him own everything, including your ass chris
