Sunday, March 13, 2011

Change Afoot

There is change afoot. Well all know it. We all feel it. Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fire. Terrorism, cheating and political unrest. The world is crumbling. Revolution is in the air. For all these years we have been mistreating the Earth, taking advantage of the life that was so kindly given to us. And now it is as if the very wrath of God has been set upon us. But:

"tragedy will be a catalyst for good, for change. Out of the ashes, humanity will find a common goal, a united sense of hope, couched in a united sense of fear."

On it's knees, we cannot rely on the planet to continue to suffer our increasingly heavy blows. Change must come soon. But when will there come a leader who will rally the cities, the nations; a world; too unite the people of this good Earth, and begin work towards a common goal? Who will be the one to release the Western powers from the bounds of naivety, and bring the end to the unsustainability of our industry? Who will be the one who steps up, and saves the world?

My thoughts are with you, Japan.

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