Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Fork in the River

It's a strange feeling, saying goodbye to someone you know you will, in all likely-hood, never see again. You are both drifting down a river, when suddenly yet inevitably, you reach a fork... your journey takes a swift left, and theirs, a right. 

You don't realise at the time the significance of that moment, in both of your lives. It isn't until long afterwards when for some reason, your mind brushes off the dusty cobwebs of some distant memory, that you think about them. Where has the river taken them since you parted ways? Has it flowed rapidly, thundering at great pace to an unknown destination? Or has it meandered along slowly, not even sure of it's own direction? Have they struggled against the current upstream? Has someone thrown a boulder in and completely changed it's course? Have they fallen off a waterfall? 

I guess you'll never know. 

But maybe I will see her again. Maybe both our rivers will flow into the same ocean, where we will meet, adrift, again. 

For Jen ~

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