Friday, April 3, 2009

6 Weeks

Somethings in life make you sad, like walking on a wet bathroom floor with your socks on. And as I write this blog, I myself am feeling a bit sad. I'm not feeling sad because I've walked on wet floor with my socks on, in fact, I'm not entirely sure why I am feeling so sad. So, I turn to you, my dear blog, my last friend on a lonesome friday night, to help me put my finger on why I'm feeling a little bit dead inside.

But first, the reasons why I should be feeling happy tonight:
- I have a two week 'study' break as of today.
- I just spent an awesome night with some of my best friends to celebrate our two week break.
- I have the most awesome friends in the world.
- The cricket is on and Australia is playing well.
- I passed my Invertebrate Animals test (7.5/10) which is apparently a very good score considering the average was about 5/10.

So now, after listing those 5 reasons of why I should be happy tonight, I feel like such a selfish jerk for being sad. Still, I haven't got a clue why I'm feeling the way I do.

I wont be seeing my uni friends for 2 whole weeks. I love those guys so much, and will miss them very very much. I can't imagine what life was like before I had met them...but I bet it was pretty miserable. Actually, that might be a little bit unfair on my non-uni friends (yeah, just a little fucking bit!) What I meant was that my life is probably better for it now I've met my uni friends, even better than it was before. Anyway, you get what I mean. 

Speaking of which, I haven't seen my non-uni friends in ages. I feel terrible, I've hung out, gone out and drunk more with my uni friends in 6 weeks than I have in about 3 years with my good mates outside of uni (the Jensen's, Vincent's, Kev's, Cindy's etc) (taking into account the fact that I have known my uni friends for a year and a bit, and I have known Jensen and co. for more than 13+ years) 

Also, when me and Syngeon were talking about girls today, he told me he reckoned that one of my other friends would 'go' me. I didn't believe him, I still don't (she is very good looking) but he told me that I have to believe in myself more, which I totally agree with in some ways. I have full faith in myself in some aspects of my life, like with my study. But with other things, like with girls, I do lack a bit of confidence. Could that be the reason I am feeling so down, that I don't believe enough? 

As you can tell, my life is pretty tough at the moment. I mean, my socks are dry, the cricket is on, I have two weeks of relaxing ahead of me and I have friends that love me (I assume). Yep, life's pretty damn hard. I still don't know why I'm feeling so sad tonight. Hopefully I can have a good nights sleep (If one certain cat like creature will allow it!) and wake up tomorrow feeling happier. Or maybe I'll wake up being more jerkier than I was today. Nobody will ever know, not until tomorrow morning anyway.

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