Monday, April 27, 2009

Deux ex machina

Usually I don't pay much attention to documentaries about the Solar System. But the other day, one particular documentary brought to my attention a very interesting idea.

What if there isn't actually other intelligent life out there? What if we are the only life in the entire universe? What if we, planet earth, are meant to be the giver of life to the universe? 

Just thought I'd share that thought with you. It's not only  something that is very intriguing, but for all we know, something that is very real.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Actors of Lost

"Stay Here"

You've gotta give it to the actors on Lost. They are brilliant!

The storyline is withering; bordering on reason and nye on impossible to follow. The timeslot is poor. Only a few diehard fans are able to put off one hour every Wednesday night to watch the show go on. Yet the actors and actresses, most notably Josh Holloway (Sawyer), Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet) and Naveen Andrews (Sayid) put on a fantastic display of acting prowess and skill every week, and with passion.

Sawyer and Juliet are almost the most unlikely couple, and yet, the chemistry between Holloway and Mitchell is beautiful to watch. Josh in his role of the 'sheriff' Sawyer, and the inkling of feelings he shows towards Kate is almost heartbreaking.

As a true, true fan of the show, it is so nice to sit back and appreciate the masterpieces the cast produce every week. I love watching the emotional tussels of Ben, Locke and Jack, the comedy of Hurley and Sawyer, and tension between Kate and Juliet. To the eye of the non-fanatical Lost fan, the show may seem to be a fading flame, a shadow of the show that was once so epic and powerful. Yet in the eyes of the die-hard follower, the show is yet to loose it's touch of brilliance.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Leap of Faith.

"you don't know what's going to happen. None of us do. That's why it's called a leap of faith, John. You don't have to be alone"

I know how it feels. The world is seemingly against you. You feel so lonely, and angry, and scared. Sometimes, you have to make a change. You don't know what is going to happen. You don't know if you will find happiness on the other side. Nobody does. But if you don't make that leap, you might find yourself being lonely and scared and angry for the rest of your life.

You don't have to be alone..

Friday, April 3, 2009

6 Weeks

Somethings in life make you sad, like walking on a wet bathroom floor with your socks on. And as I write this blog, I myself am feeling a bit sad. I'm not feeling sad because I've walked on wet floor with my socks on, in fact, I'm not entirely sure why I am feeling so sad. So, I turn to you, my dear blog, my last friend on a lonesome friday night, to help me put my finger on why I'm feeling a little bit dead inside.

But first, the reasons why I should be feeling happy tonight:
- I have a two week 'study' break as of today.
- I just spent an awesome night with some of my best friends to celebrate our two week break.
- I have the most awesome friends in the world.
- The cricket is on and Australia is playing well.
- I passed my Invertebrate Animals test (7.5/10) which is apparently a very good score considering the average was about 5/10.

So now, after listing those 5 reasons of why I should be happy tonight, I feel like such a selfish jerk for being sad. Still, I haven't got a clue why I'm feeling the way I do.

I wont be seeing my uni friends for 2 whole weeks. I love those guys so much, and will miss them very very much. I can't imagine what life was like before I had met them...but I bet it was pretty miserable. Actually, that might be a little bit unfair on my non-uni friends (yeah, just a little fucking bit!) What I meant was that my life is probably better for it now I've met my uni friends, even better than it was before. Anyway, you get what I mean. 

Speaking of which, I haven't seen my non-uni friends in ages. I feel terrible, I've hung out, gone out and drunk more with my uni friends in 6 weeks than I have in about 3 years with my good mates outside of uni (the Jensen's, Vincent's, Kev's, Cindy's etc) (taking into account the fact that I have known my uni friends for a year and a bit, and I have known Jensen and co. for more than 13+ years) 

Also, when me and Syngeon were talking about girls today, he told me he reckoned that one of my other friends would 'go' me. I didn't believe him, I still don't (she is very good looking) but he told me that I have to believe in myself more, which I totally agree with in some ways. I have full faith in myself in some aspects of my life, like with my study. But with other things, like with girls, I do lack a bit of confidence. Could that be the reason I am feeling so down, that I don't believe enough? 

As you can tell, my life is pretty tough at the moment. I mean, my socks are dry, the cricket is on, I have two weeks of relaxing ahead of me and I have friends that love me (I assume). Yep, life's pretty damn hard. I still don't know why I'm feeling so sad tonight. Hopefully I can have a good nights sleep (If one certain cat like creature will allow it!) and wake up tomorrow feeling happier. Or maybe I'll wake up being more jerkier than I was today. Nobody will ever know, not until tomorrow morning anyway.